domingo, 24 de octubre de 2010

iPhone SMS Due September 25

iPhone SMS Due September 25

© bogenfreund
If you remember way back to the iPhone 3Gs launch and the release of iPhone firmware 3.0, you will remember the announcement of tethering and SMS messaging. There were some carriers that had the technology already, some that had it coming soon, and then there was AT&T. They had announced SMS messaging would happen by the end of the Summer, and tethering would happen soon. Well AT&T, guess what.... you lied.

In an official announcement this week, AT&T has announced SMS texting plans would be available on September 25th. That is decidedly three-days after summer. Here is the kicker, they have announced that tethering would appear "eventually." So, if SMS text messaging was supposed to be by the end of Summer, and it is late, then Tethering should be released when? What is later than "eventually"? I am not a temporal expert, but three days after eventually might just be never.

I love my iPhone, but I really hate AT&T and their support for the device. Ultimately, they are just shooting themselves in the foot. As soon as the millions of iPhone users can switch carriers, they will. At&T will have no one to blame but themselves. They could have kept me forever if they had just did what they said they would do.

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